The Best Autoimmune Diet!

Watch Us Shop For The Protocol That Reversed My Autoimmunity

What’s the best autoimmune disease diet?

The aip diet? A modified paleo diet? Watch us shop for the exact autoimmune diet that reversed my autoimmune disease and has kept me in remission.

Video links:

Here are the four basic autoimmune shopping principals which we followed which was a big factor in reversing my autoimmune disease.

  1. Non-GMO
  2. Organic
  3. Gluten-free
  4. Plant-based

Now how do you actually implement these principals in the grocery store. Watch the video above to find out how.

Autoimmune Shopping Guide

Get all of these principles from this video on an easy to use shopping guide!

Download by clicking here

Special First 2 Weeks to 2 Months Diet


Harder to digest foods such as:

  • Meat, fish, dairy, eggs (animal products)
  • Gluten grains such as wheat, barley, rye, spelt, etc. and non-gluten grains such as oats, rice, corn, millet, sorghum, teff
  • Nuts
  • Legumes

Eat Instead:

  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Sweet potato
  • Regular potato
  • Chia seeds
  • Flaxseed
  • Sesame seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds


  • Soak seeds for 8 hrs or overnight (except chia, flax, sesame, and cashew). Do the same for grains, nuts, and legumes when you add them back into your diet when you're feeling better.
  • Drain
  • Rinse well
  • If you want to use your nuts, seeds, or grains dry instead of wet, you can soak them and then dry them in a dehydrator at about 105 degrees or put them in the oven at the lowest heat with the oven door slightly cracked.

Heal the leaky gut:

See my video on how to do these.

As your situation improves (hopefully by the end of the 2 months) you can start reintroducing the grains, legumes, and nuts. But keep soaking all seeds, nuts, legumes, and grains even as your digestion improves as they will be easier to digest and you will get more nutrients out of them.

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