Methods How To Heal Your Autoimmune Disease At Home

At home methods to heal your autoimmune disease

There are many different methods that can be done at home to heal the issues at the foundation of autoimmune diseases. Methods that are 100% natural, would cost you almost nothing, and could be done within 20 minutes? Over the next several months I'm going to be sharing many of these methods which I used successfully.

To heal autoimmune disease you have to heal leaky gut. Healing the leaky gut is step 2 of the 5 steps I used to heal my autoimmune disease. One of the natural healing methods I used to heal my leaky gut was eating fresh aloe. In the above video I show you exactly how I used it.

First you want to go to ask your local grocery store if they carry it.  Not everyone carries aloe but some do. The first one you see me cut up in the video I got at Whole Foods while in TN. If  you can't find it at any local grocery stores check your local nursery. They will often have aloe plant for sale.

Aloe continually generates itself with new plants if enough room is provided them. They're super easy to take care of and you don’t even have to water them very much. We went through several plants during my healing program.

Some people have a hard time with the gel like consistency of aloe. In these cases one could just put the gel in the blender with a little water and blend it up after it's been cut out of the skin.

I would cut about 1/2 inch to 1/4 inch at a time and try to do it twice a day. Doing it first thing in the morning and last thing at night is great because your stomach will be more empty and the aloe will be able to be more effective.

You don’t want to use aloe vera juice because it isn’t nearly as effective since it’s very processed. Also most aloe vera juice contains citric acid. Many people who have leaky gut and an autoimmune disease have trouble with citric acid. This is because there’s not much citric about citric acid anymore. Most citric acid is derived from fungus and corn in a lab. And both these components are most often going to be GMO. The only safe way to know if the citric acid your looking at in a product isn't GMO is to call the product company and verify that the citric acid they used was from a non-GMO source.

Aloe is amazing in it’s ability to heal wounds. My mom used it on me as a kid to put on cuts and scrapes. It heals sunburns, aloe is the main component in many skin care products.

Aloe also heals a damaged gut. You could say it heals the wounds of your small intestines. I used aloe on my program and saw improvement. After your done  eating your piece of aloe you can just stick it in a container with water and let it sit on your counter. It will last at least a month this way. Or you can put it in your fridge to make it last even longer still.


Another natural remedy I want to talk about it Turmeric. Turmeric is about 5% curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory component.

It's so powerful we have used it for pain for an injuries and found it to be as effective as pain medications, but without any damage to my kidneys and liver.

Here's the recipe:

  • 1/2 tsp of powder turmeric
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1/2  a spoonful of coconut milk
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1/2  a spoonful of honey

I would take the turmeric drink 2x a day. It is more effective when taken with some kind of fat that's why the coconut milk is added and this works perfect since coconut is also good for autoimmunity and healing a damaged gut.

The cayenne pepper boosts the potency of curcumin in turmeric by 1,000% so you definitely don't want to miss adding that.

Now turmeric is bitter. If your a tough guy or tough girl and want to save time you can just drink it strait. If your a bit of lightweight when it comes to bitter tasting things then you can add honey. Raw honey is the best if you can acquire it.


It doesn't make any sense to be regularly taking natural remedies to heal a leaky inflamed gut and at the same time regularly doing things to damage and inflame your leaky gut. There are several huge sources of toxins that most people are being exposed to every day even in their own home and don't even realize it.

Top 3 Toxins Causing Autoimmune Diseases.

I hope this has been helpful.
May you be blessed in your pursuit of health.


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